Aspire HFI Blog

5 Facts About Fertility You Need to Know

Posted on November 14th, 2023

According to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 17.5% of the global population has faced infertility at some point in their lives. If having a child is one of your goals, it’s crucial that you be well-informed about fertility, as this knowledge can empower you to enhance your chances of achieving your dream of becoming a parent. Here are five interesting facts about fertility that everyone should know.

1. Infertility Impacts Men and Women Equally

Historically, infertility has been perceived as a women’s health issue; however, it equally affects men. Among heterosexual couples facing infertility, one-third of cases stem from female fertility factors, another third from male fertility factors, and the remaining third from either unknown causes (referred to as unexplained infertility) or a combination of male and female fertility issues. When it comes to secondary infertility (the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy despite doing so in the past), the issue can be caused by both male and female fertility factors.

2. Many Factors Can Contribute to Infertility

There’s a common misconception that getting pregnant should be easy, but this is not the case. Having a child is a biologically complex process involving an intricate network of reproductive organs and hormones in both males and females. Many things can compromise anyone’s fertility. For women, some of the most common causes of infertility include:

  • Tubal disorders or blocked fallopian tubes
  • Uterine issues, like endometriosis
  • Problems with ovulation
  • Cervical issues
  • Hormonal imbalances

For men, common causes of infertility can include:

  • Abnormal sperm count, function, and quality, including morphology and motility
  • Issues with ejaculation
  • Structural abnormalities of the reproductive organs
  • Varicoceles (swollen veins in the testicles)

3. Knowing When it’s Time to See a Fertility Specialist is Vital

At what point do you transition from trying to conceive to seeking out help from a fertility specialist? The answer is different for everyone. For aspiring parents who are 35 or older, it’s generally recommended that you get a fertility evaluation after six months of having regular unprotected sex. For aspiring parents who are under the age of 35, the general recommendation is one year. However, there is a wide array of reasons why someone might choose to see a fertility specialist even sooner, including:

4. Stress Alone Does Not Cause Infertility

Whenever a couple struggles to conceive, loved ones often tell them to “just relax and it will happen naturally.” While this piece of advice is well-intentioned, it’s very far from the truth. Stress can play a small role in exacerbating infertility, however, stress alone cannot cause infertility. Again, fertility is very complex with a myriad of biological factors affecting it. For many people, no amount of relaxation will simply induce a pregnancy, and medical intervention may be needed.

5. Lifestyle Hacks Can Improve Fertility

Whether you’re trying to get pregnant naturally or are considering fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization ((VF), adopting certain lifestyle habits can help increase your chances of conceiving. Fertility specialists often advise the following measures:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Engage in physical activity daily, but not too much
  • Achieve or maintain a healthy BMI
  • Quit smoking, including vaping
  • Reduce or avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Get at least seven hours of sleep per night
  • Taking care of your emotional and mental wellbeing
  • Taking fertility-boosting supplements, like NutraBloom®

Before starting any new regimen, talk to your doctor first.

Explore Your Fertility Care Options

Fertility is influenced by many factors, encompassing both medical issues and lifestyle adjustments. No matter where you are in your family-building journey, thinking ahead about your fertility can help you figure out your path to parenthood, whether it’s through natural means or fertility care. If you’re from the Houston, TX area and would like to schedule a consultation for a fertility evaluation, don’t hesitate to contact the fertility specialists of Aspire Houston Fertility Institute today.

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