Aspire HFI Blog

Trouble Conceiving: ABC13 Interviews Dr. Clapp, Fertility Specialist

Posted by Houston Fertility Institute on December 7th, 2017

If you are having trouble conceiving, an at-home ovulation predictor kit may help. In an interview with ABC13 TV in Houston, HFI fertility specialist Dr. Alexa Clapp says these kits, available over the counter, are a great tool for helping women determine their menstrual cycle length and when they ovulate.

Ovulation predictor kits measure the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine, a hormone made by the brain that signals the ovary to ovulate or release an egg. This helps predict the peak fertility window around the LH surge and ovulation.

When Having Trouble Conceiving, Should You See a Fertility Specialist?

If you use an ovulation predictor kit and don’t get a positive result on the test, you may not be ovulating, says Dr. Clapp and you should see a fertility specialist.

In some cases, a kit may show the woman is ovulating, but she still has trouble conceiving. Dr. Clapp says, in general, women under 35 who are unable to conceive after trying for one year should see a fertility specialist. For women over 35, she recommends seeing a specialist after six months of trying to conceive. There are other factors contributing to fertility besides ovulation, including tubal factor, ovarian reserve, uterine factor, and male factor. Read more about when to see a fertility specialist.

If you are having trouble conceiving and want to learn more about fertility testing and individualized treatment options, contact Houston Fertility Institute now.

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