Aspire HFI Blog

PGT: Day 5 Embryo Biopsy with Microarray

Posted on March 8th, 2012

Here at Houston Fertility Institute, we are honored every day that our patients choose us to help them start a family. Nothing excites us more than calling our patients with the good news that they are pregnant.

At HFI, we are leaders in the field of infertility. We are always on the cutting edge of new and developing techniques that ultimately provide our patients with a higher chance of achieving their goal of becoming pregnant. Currently, we are excited to be able to offer day 5 PGT with microarray.

What is PGT?

PGT, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, is biopsying the embryo to look for certain chromosomal abnormalities. In the past, we would biopsy embryos on day 3, when they were 8 cell embryos. By doing this so early, damage was occurring to the embryos and producing poor implantation results. Currently, we are able to biopsy on day 5 when there are more than 100 cells in each embryo. Taking 1 cell out of an embryo with over 100 cells to biopsy alleviates damage to the embryo – producing a superior quality embryo to transfer and higher chances of implantation. Day 5 PGT testing with microarray also allows a better chromosomal reading to flag abnormal chromosomes. Diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis and Huntington’s Disease are among the many diseases that are able to be diagnosed in embryos using this technique.

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