Aspire HFI Blog

20 Questions to Ask Your Houston Reproductive Endocrinologist About Fertility Treatment

Posted on March 29th, 2024

Whether you’re thinking about growing your family or have already started the process, you likely have many questions for your reproductive endocrinologist. Because it can be overwhelming, we’re here to help provide some introductory questions to put on your list. Remember, you’re never alone, and no inquiry is off the table when it comes to getting the information you need regarding your fertility.

Questions for the First Few Visits

Your first couple of appointments may feel intimidating. Fortunately, your reproductive endocrinologist can give you all the details you need for peace of mind. During your initial appointment, they’ll review your medical history and go over any diagnoses you may have.

If you have fertility concerns but don’t have a diagnosis yet, the doctor will likely recommend testing. Feel free to ask what the assessments entail and what to expect as you navigate the process.

If you already have a diagnosis, some questions to ask include:

  • How does this diagnosis impact my fertility?
  • What are my treatment options?
  • What does treatment entail?
  • When can we begin treatment?
  • Is any further testing required?

No matter where you are in your family planning journey, you can ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable. You want to build a thorough action plan with your clinician to help you achieve your goals.

Questions About the Clinic

If you’re at a new clinic, you may have questions about their specific processes and outcomes. You can ask:

  • What are your success rates?
  • Are your fertility treatments all conducted on-site?
  • Who performs the fertility treatments?
  • Who can I contact if I have any questions?
  • Do you offer appointments in the evenings or on weekends?

If you visited other clinics in the past and disliked them for any reason, feel free to express your concerns. You want to ensure you and your new reproductive endocrinologist are a good match.

Treatment-Specific Questions

Starting treatment is a big step in any fertility journey. Good questions to ask about in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatments include:

  • What is your IUI process, and how many cycles do you complete until you recommend IVF?
  • What is your IVF process like from start to finish?
  • What are my chances of getting pregnant?
  • Can your clinic preserve embryos?
  • How much do you charge for egg or embryo storage?

Fertility treatments like IUI and IVF can be complicated, so don’t be afraid to ask for as many details as possible.

Financial Questions

Fertility treatments often represent a significant financial investment for aspiring parents depending on factors like your specific insurance. Ask your clinician or financial counselor:

It’s vital to get the information you need to make the best financial decisions for you and your growing family.

Get Your Questions Answered at Aspire Houston Fertility Institute

No matter how many questions you have, your reproductive endocrinologist’s goal is to make you feel comfortable throughout each step of your family planning journey. At Aspire Houston Fertility Institute, we’re here to help you from the moment you schedule your first appointment to your last follow-up once your treatment is complete. For more information or to schedule a fertility consultation, contact our expert team today.

Built by patients, for patients

Contact us today if you’re ready to take the next step in your fertility journey.